Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Proposition 2009

"It takes no compromising to give people their rights. It takes no money to respect the individual. It takes no survey to remove repressions. "
- Harvey Milk (1973)

As this amazing year of dreams, hopes, and possibilities comes to an end and we begin to plan for 2009, I would like to take time to offer Proposition 2009. I propose that we have a community for all people regardless of their sexual orientation. We are a society that can agree to disagree and engage in real dialog about issues that are important to us. Let me be clear that bringing people together for real conversation is very different than inviting an Evangelical Minister who has publicly made anti-gay statements to speak at one of most important events in history.

I would like to take a moment to express how disappointed I am at President Elect Obama’s choice to have Rev. Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at the 56th Presidential Inauguration. The rationale about having Warren speak is that Obama is keeping his word about inviting more evangelicals to the table. This however is no ordinary table. The Inauguration is a huge event that will be televised around the world. There are many people who do not believe in same-sex marriage, including Obama. Everyone has a right to their point of view. I ought to have the same constitutional rights as all, including, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and once we start dividing up who has the right to marry, then we create subset groups of people.

Rev. Rick Warren not only opposed same-sex marriage, he has campaigned against it, including campaigning and supporting California’s Proposition 8. He has also publicly said he does not support gay marriage because he believes it is similar to a brother marrying a sister, a man with six wives, or a man with a little girl. It is one thing to not believe in same-sex marriage, but these statements bring it to a whole new level when same-sex marriage is compared to incest, polygamy, and pedophile. These statements go against not only our rights but our human dignity.

I am asking that as we enter this New Year, this historic time, this national attention to our new leader, we reflect upon the rights and dignity of all of our citizens. Proposition 2009 is about hope and in order to promote hope, we must remove hatred, division, and inequality. As a nation, we were willing to examine our views of racism and vote for an African American to bring our country together. Now, I encourage everyone to look at our views of homophobia. Proposition 2009 supports a community for all and as Harvey Milk said, “Hope will never be silent.” May everyone have a happy and healthy 2009.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bored and Board

I have recently been inspired by my five year old nephew. While riding in a car, my nephew asked his parents to say words that sound the same, but are spelled differently. At five, he was asking for homophones! When was the last time you had a conversation about homophones?

At first, coming up with homophones became just another game to play with my nephew. I wanted to see if I could discover some that he had not thought about and could help him spell. Much to my surprise, his list was pretty long. Then my mind went to town and I started thinking of as many words as possible. This led me to the words bored and board. With great joy, my five year old nephew looked at me and said, “Wow, Aunt Mary Anne, that’s a good one.” There is nothing like getting affirmed by a five year old. I realized how this little boy is rarely bored and how easy it is for him to be amused by the simplest of games. We can sit for hours and do math, reading, or word games. Maybe life really is that simple. Maybe when I create my own Board of Directors, I would invite a five year old to be a part of it. Maybe it is time to shift our thinking away from everything going on outside of us and remember to see the little things. It is all perspective. My nephew looks for the new idea, for a new word, for a new game to play, and for new places to go. Everything is a new possibility. Maybe it is time to look through a new lens of awe and wonder. What new ideas are just waiting to burst out?

There is a sea of possibilities if we are willing to see life in a new way. Play with new words, ideas and, dreams. What word that sounds the same, but is spelled differently, resonates for you? Listen to yourself. You know exactly what you want, and if not, ask a five year old.

Special thanks and love to George who always makes me smile and who I love this, this, this much!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Marking Time~

I can't help but think about the number of people talking about this historic time in our nation. Forty years after the riots of '68, we elected the first African American for President. All across the country conversations have been happening, from small living rooms to subway cars to street corners to work offices about "this time" becoming "our time". Instead of fear, war, and division, we have spent the last few months talking about hope and possibility. We once again believe in our democracy, our youth, and our dreams. We can look at anyone in this country and say, "this could be you someday" and really mean it.

Whether you voted for Obama or not, there is no denying the enormity of this election. We get to talk about this time period in our history. In a way, it is about marking time. We mark time in so many ways. For many, marking time often means the birth of a child, the death of a parent, the offer of a new job, the purchase of a home, or perhaps an anniversary of our wedding day. We look to the past to mark time. Like divots in the road, these big moments make us pause and reflect.

For about 40 years we have been marking time in our country by noting tragic events. People will ask where you were when JFK was shot, when Martin Luther King Jr. was killed for promoting civil rights, when Bobby Kennedy was assassinated, up to the present time of remembering where you were when the towers came down on 9/11. We now get to ask, where were you when you heard that Obama was elected president? We get to mark time in a whole new way.

There is a saying that we learn from memory (the past) or from inspiration. In this case, we learned from both, and our response was a resounding urgency for change from someone who believes in "the audacity of hope". This is our time and we get to choose how we remember it and how we mark it. So, yes we can. Yes, we did.

Let's mark time in a new way...let's ask what's possible...and let's continue to ask...

"Rosa sat, so Martin could walk, so Barack could run, so our children could fly..." (Author Unknown)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Time to Tell a New Story...

Happy November! We are in the midst of a changing and exciting time. A time we get to vote...days away from casting a ballot that has never been more important if we are to move forward. A time we get to see the light change and allow the sacred dark in (if you remembered to change your clock.) A time we begin to focus on gratitude and thanksgiving. I know I have a lot to be grateful for even with all the swirling going on around me. I have the ability to create and share stories.

For those who held space during the sharing of my Move the Island story, many thanks. I never thought I would make it through telling that story, and yet I have learned more about where people come from, how we are all connected and related, how adoption has affected self-identity and roles, and how definitions of family are expanding.

So, here is my invitation to you. Tell your story with a new ending. We all know our old stories, but what new one is waiting to unfold? Where can you expand your identity, your place in the world, your voice, your story? This month, tell at least one person your new story and see what gift unfolds. I sent in my story to Oprah!

There is a new story awaiting us after November 4. What new story will you tell?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Do What Works...

I have been asking myself what's working...I have my left foot in an amazing world full of growth, new ideas, a growing healing arts business, a wonderful relationship, the changing leaves, and taking classes. I have my right foot in a world full of family illness, some chaos, friends and family losing their parents to illness and death. I walk with both feet interchanging experiences and wonder what's working? I realize first and foremost to take good care of myself; basic needs always provide comfort. Then I realize that I do not have to get caught up in what's going on around me. I can listen and then step back or up and just watch. Being a spectator has its advantages. I can only imagine if I listened to the economic newscast every night; I would have all my money under my mattress. I can give into fear and the place of scarcity or I can ask myself, what works for me, and walk forward in that stance.

I was recently reading Byron Katie and her words struck a cord: "Since the beginning of time, people have been trying to change the world so they can be happy. This hasn't ever worked, because the approach is backwards." She goes on to say, "But it's futile to try to change the projected images. Once we realize where the lint is, we can clear the lens itself. This is the end of suffering, and the beginning of a little joy in paradise."

I choose living over suffering. What offers you a little joy in paradise - do what works for you.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A New Season Begins - Move the Island!

Happy Fall Blessings to all! This is a season of change - a change in temperature, a change in color, a change of light. The Fall is also a season of preparation. We prepare our harvests. We prepare our children for school. We prepare ourselves for a colder season. Even the network television stations prepare for their Fall line-up!As an avid fan of the TV show, Lost, I prepare for new adventures this season. Last season ended with an episode that asked a character to relay the message, "Move the Island." Quite a task, moving an entire island. A recent life experience caused my whole world to shift and my island moved - and it happened because I know on some level I invited the change to happen. Being open to new possibilities in your life can shift parts of yourself, your community, and your whole world.

In a time of political change and movement, we can no longer stand still - move the island. In areas of your life that are stuck or overfilled - move the island. If you want to create something new in your life - move the island. Stand in a new place, with new eyes, new people - move the island.

We can create possibilities and respond from our hearts in communion with one another. Status quo invites death - just watch the leaves turn color over the next month. In nature, species either adapt and evolve or die. We are invited to do the same. Invite change, seasonal, emotional, spiritual, educational etc...Move your island!

Special thanks and love to Mary Ann, Jordan, Gary and Adrian. Thanks for moving my island.